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Happy New Year!

Updated: Feb 17, 2022

Last month our annual “year at a glance” brochure was mailed to everyone on our mailing list. (If you didn’t receive it, you can click here to sign up for future mailings.) In case you missed it, I’ll share some things with you here that you helped make possible with your support in 2021:

  • 1 new house was finished, and now a single mom with two kids has a stable, affordable, decent home in a safe neighborhood.

  • 3 new houses are in progress.

  • 17 families have enrolled in the Homebuyer Program.

  • 25 Critical Home Repairs were completed.

All told, 46 families were served in 2021 because of your support.

Greater Jackson Habitat embarked on its first ever neighborhood development last year. Phase 1 is nearly complete due to the amazing support of local organizations, donors and volunteers raising two homes in a matter of a week during our blitz build in August.

Our volunteers increased the number of hours served last year. A total of 200 volunteers spent over 5,000 hours on our construction sites, in the ReStore and at our office.

The ReStore generated over $270,000 in revenue, accepting more than 2,500 donations. Proceeds from the ReStore allow us to dedicate 100% of your financial donations toward our Homebuyer and Repair programs.

As I reflect on how far we’ve come this year – making our way through a global pandemic, the real estate market taking a wild swing, watching supply chain issues play out, experiencing extreme labor shortages, and other occurrences we never thought we’d see – I’m amazed at the resiliency of our local Jackson community.

In the midst of the crazy happenings all around us. Habitat in Jackson has accomplished one of the most significant goals in our mission statement: “Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat brings people together to create homes, communities and hope.” In August, we saw over 150 volunteers build two houses in a week! The people of Jackson have given time, talent and money to help us give the opportunity of homeownership and a stable foundation to three families this year who are starting to build their dream. And an additional family completed their journey toward home ownership to purchase and move into their new home.

In October, we dedicated our 6-unit neighborhood development to the DeLand legacy with a historical marker that tells the story of the DeLand family’s impact on the progress of those seeking freedom from slavery in the mid-1800s. This neighborhood, DeLand Pointe, is being built at the intersection where an underground railroad site existed, owned by Charles DeLand.

And last, but not least, in this time of extreme shortage of labor, our construction community came together to help us with critical home repairs for 25 low-income households so they can stay in their homes safely with the peace of mind that comes with having a decent, dignified place to live.

We’re doing it together! Thank you for helping to bring our vision of a world where everyone has a decent place to live a little closer to home last year.

In Partnership,

Wendy Clow

Executive Director

Greater Jackson Habitat for Humanity


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Program Office Hours:

Mon-Fri  9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


ReStore Hours:

Tues-Sat:  10:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Sunday:    Closed

Monday: Closed

Site Links

Greater Jackson Habitat for Humanity does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, age, handicap, religion, marital status, or because any portion of an applicant’s income is derived from public assistance programs.

251 W. Prospect

Jackson, MI 49203


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